Cît e de bine cînd are cine îți spune că faci progrese! După cum totul e relativ, fiind priviți, sîntem integrați în diferite sisteme de valori, a diferților spectatori și respectiv etichetați diferit, ceea ce poate fi debusolant pentru imaginea de sine pe care ne o formăm din spusele altora. Dar cînd îți atrage cineva atenția asupra faptului că tu, cel de azi ești mai bun ca cel de ieri - te simți realizat și găsind dovada că ești pe drumul cel bun începi să vezi forța în tine însuți.
It feels good when there is somebody to say that you are making progresses! As everything is relative, we are being differently labeled when incorporate in different value systems of the ones who sees us, wich is confusing to our image of ourselves, that we build on the other people's words. But if someone makes you see that you are better today than yesterday - you feel acomplished, and finding the proof that you are on the right road you begin to see the power within ourselves.
It feels good when there is somebody to say that you are making progresses! As everything is relative, we are being differently labeled when incorporate in different value systems of the ones who sees us, wich is confusing to our image of ourselves, that we build on the other people's words. But if someone makes you see that you are better today than yesterday - you feel acomplished, and finding the proof that you are on the right road you begin to see the power within ourselves.
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